Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 11, 2010: What Happens If I Press This Button?

Today, I FINALLY got the tour of the CERN facility. It was nothing short of absolutely mind-blowing, and it reminded me that at the end of the day, I am not very smart.  One thing that was very cool about the place was their concentration on bringing together all cultures behind the idea of solving the questions and problems of humanity...

After that, I went down to "old town" as I found out there was an Apple Store here in town, and I needed an adaptor for the new money-making outlet that most airplanes now use for power...EmPower blows!

I also found a record store...and a West German pressing of The Ruts' "Grin And Bear It" album...amazing, right?

...part of the Large Hardon Collider that was removed because it broke...

I think this is a Transformer in disguise...

Some sort of magnetic experiment

I think this means "Beware of Alex"


I think they used this in "Demolition Man"

"No pictures please." "What?" "Nevermind."
This is at a section of the LHC that they were repairing...they did not ask me to help...

...but they DID ask IceBat for help!

I believe this is the ATLAS project..., it's a dog..

"Old Town" Geneva

I wanna hear the canon!

The hotel d'ville...where the first Geneva Accords were signed
...also home to MANY Bugs Bunny cartoons!


Space Invader has been here... this a sign for a rave or something?

The original "talk to the hand"

Why yes, we DO have abnormally large chess pieces here...

I believe this is a statue to commemorate the final scene in the original Zelda...

Piaget spelled it wrong...

Johnny, Tommy, Joey, and Dee Dee...the Swiss cover variation...

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