Sunday, March 22, 2009

Chapter 9: What Is Your Obsession With Fat Ladies?

After a long journey, I am back at home. It was a stellar week in Stockholm and, I am a changed person...for the better, because of my time there.

I wanted to thank all of you for reading this...emailing me...Skyping me...and all that other stuff while I was away.

However, I also need to give a few "shout outs."

First off, my new pal Oscar, from Stockholm...your tips on the town were spot on and I cannot thank you enough!! MEGA thanks for pointing me to Pet Sounds Records!

Jesper at the Nordic Sea Hotel...seriously, I think this guy knows EVERYTHING about the restaurants in Stockholm...totally clutch!

To my home-slice, C-Sledzzz and the ProEd posse, thanks for dinner...and the laughs...hopefully Greg is in the right time zone by now...and for the record, photos look MUCH better in the daytime...

And finally, to the one person without whom I would have gone crazy this week...

...until my next adventure...peace out five thousand...word to ya mutha!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Chapter 8: This Is The End, Beautiful Friend...

Well, my time in Stockholm is officially at an end. In about 12 hours, I will head to the airport and take my long journey back home. It's been awesome, and I hope all of you enjoyed my blogs as much as I've enjoyed putting them together. In case anyone is wondering, I HIGHLY recommend checking out Stockholm, though I'd do it in any season that is NOT winter...this is the beginning of spring; and unless you are a cold-freak like me, winter just wouldn't be fun.

...back to the other side of the pond...

anyone missing a few torpedoes?

...I gotta see a man about a boat...

IceBat, being silly as always...

YAY for the self timer!

I think this is the Viking equivalent of backing your car into the garage door...

For those about to rock!

I FINALLY found this place too!

I now know why this city is so safe...

OK, here's the deal: I shot this with the intention of making it super-fast once I got it into iMovie. However, I forgot that I have iMovie '08...which sucks...and can't do anything beyond simple transitions...and I can't find a decent program on the web...that is free. When i get back to work on Monday, I will speed it up with iMovie '07 and change it. For now, here is me walking up a lot of real's pretty boring...feel free to skip it...

ummm, IceBat, you know you can't really fly, right?

This is 36 meters up...for those of you who can't do the conversion, it's like A MILLION feet!

yep, I was ALL the way up there...
seriously, no idea on this one...
one final panorama of this beautiful city...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Chapter 7: Our Princess Is In Another Castle...

Not many pictures today...I was re-treading "old" ground in the morning, and spent the afternoon at the Royal Palace...they don't like cameras there. In a bit of irony, the Royal Family no longer lives in the Royal was a very "I'm sorry Mario, but our Princess is in another castle!" type moment. Anywho, one more day and then I head back to the other side of the pond...enjoy!

Stockholm Temple (happy now Dad?)

Other side of Stockholm Temple

This is the stage the use for the Int'l Jazz & Blues Festival


Oh! Maybe you can help me...I was looking for my boat!

IceBat...sneaking up to the Royal Palace...

Some military guys doing something...


Street performer...wicked good! Yes, that is a person..

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chapter 6: Do The Truffle Shuffle!

Let me begin by apologizing for chewing gum when I was videoing...yes, I know better than that...if you could go ahead and ignore it, I would appreciate it. That being said, it was sunny, but DAMN cold out today...Vasa Museum in the morning, Nobel Museum in the afternoon...kickass Belgian waffle in the middle...rock!

from last night...just creepy...

Narvavagen Street in Ostermalm

This bridge is defended by the Gods....careful!

Nordic Museum

Umm...this is a bit out of place...


They REALLY paid attention to detail...

Nordic Museum

The Vasa

Other half of the Vasa


From beneath the hull

Each cannon port had a painted lions' head idea what they are prohibiting...

Thor, guarding the bridge

define irony

at the Nobel Museum

at the Nobel Museum

Grand Hotel Stockholm (taken from the Royal Palace)